March 14, 2012

Dr. Seuss

Ok, so you saw the title of this post and are probably thinking "Dr. Seuss? What on earth does that have to do with agape?" However, it does. Last night my step-dad David, my step-sister Stephanie, and I all went to go see the movie The Lorax. At the end of the movie, just before the credits they quoted the movie and book and it said: "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, it's never going to get better, no, it's not." And that got me thinking...

 I'm sure that you've heard about the whole Kony 2012 thing that's being spread everywhere. (I've been spammed on all of my social networks besides blogger for the past week or so) Obviously the person who started that cares a lot about this, which brings me back to my Dr. Seuss quote. That one guy who started Kony 2012 cared so much about it, that he's spreading it everywhere. Look at how quickly it went viral. It already has over 78 million views on YouTube. That's A LOT of views!

 Now what if Christianity was spread like that? What do you think would happen if one morning you woke up and all you saw on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc, was "Jesus Loves You!" Or maybe, "Christ loves you so much that he died for you!" Just anything spreading the gospel. I would be amazed. I would be very happy, and also amazed! Imagine just how many people that would reach.
 If one person had say, 100 followers on Instagram, and that person posted a pic that had to do with the gospel, and all 100 followers saw it. Now let's say 10 of those followers who also have 100 followers each re-posted that same picture and all of their followers saw it. Do you realize how many people that impacts alone? Over 1 THOUSAND people! That's insane!

 Now that's amazing. I want to do that one day. I would love to be able to tell thousands of people about Jesus, whether it be in person, over the phone, or on the internet. I'd love to see someone be impacted by my own words, not for myself, but for God. He is the one I care about, and I care about him "a whole awful lot!" I want this world to get better, and to become Christians, but I can't do this alone. I need other Christians, to come together, and to spread the gospel.

 So today, I encourage you to tell someone about Jesus. Pray with someone, tell them about how God loves them. You never know just who you might impact, and remember:

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, it's never going to get better, no it's not. 
~Dr. Seuss

In Christ,

Ephesians 3:20 NLT

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Hey! Here at 'AGAPE' we seek to minister to whoever we can and any comments would be a blessing and an encouragement! Thanks! -Paul