March 6, 2012

The Amazing Bubble Kingdom

I like bubbles. Nuff said. Bubbles are ineffably awesome. And today, I want to take you to the amazing bubble kingdom!

As a matter of fact, you're already in the amazing bubble kingdom. You may know it as planet Earth, but I see it as the amazing bubble kingdom! Let me explain: The amazing bubble kingdom is the world we live in where we center our lives around what fits inside our "bubble". Our "bubble" is our comfort zone. That special place where you are, where no one can touch, and where you greatly desire to stay. So, since there are 7 billion people in this world, the amazing bubble kingdom consists of 7 billion bubbles. Sometimes bubbles attach to other bubbles, some bubbles are larger than other bubbles, and some bubbles are of higher altitudes than others. But nevertheless, they're all bubbles. Inside our bubbles are things such as friends and hobbies and idols and all that other fun happy stuff that make us comfortable. We like our bubbles… we like them a lot. But there's something wrong with our bubbles. I guess you can say that our bubbles are bad bubbles and that the only cure for those bubbles is for them to be popped.

God doesn't like bubbles. He wants us to get rid of them (Colossians 3:5, Exodus 20:3). Sorry. Why are bubbles bad for you? Easy, bubbles keep you away from following God, instead your just aimlessly floating around bumping into other bubbles and having a grand total of zero influence on the amazing bubble kingdom.

What happens when our bubbles are popped? Easy, we follow God and help others pop their bubbles. God is too great to fit in our bubble, if you want to put God in there, you either have to put the idea of God in there to dwell in a very small corner of your bubble, or pop your bubble and give everything to God and be free from your aimless floating. That's why Jesus came (Luke 19:10). Who are you to say 'no'?

So, I'm done speaking in metaphors for today and I just wanna cut to the chase. If you put God in your life, you will be free from all your distractions and idols and all that other gook that has ruined many lives. Get rid of your comfort zone, take off your old man clothes, pop your bubble, and follow Christ to wherever He takes you. Follow your Lord, not your bubble. Ditch the world and uplift Christ!

In Christ,

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