June 22, 2012

Making a Difference: Where it All Begins

Looking back in my early childhood, I remember wanting to make a difference. I didn't know how I was going to make a difference - I just knew I wanted to. I always changed my mind from one thing to another. Maybe I could make a difference through astronomy, or as a veterinarian, or a missionary to Australia, or a construction worker. On and on I went, changing my mind on what I wanted to do for the rest of my life over and over again. I wanted to know the first step. I thought, at first that the first step was picking your major or getting a job or growing up. I really wasn't quite sure. Turns out I was wrong (as I usually am). Today I realize the first step, and the first step was not choosing a major or growing up - it was wanting to choose a major and grow up.

See, the world will only change if the one that changes the world wants to change the world. That is the very first step. In my early childhood, I wanted to know the first step but I never realized that my wanting was the first step. Now, as a teenager, I realize that I'm still on Step 1: wanting to change the world. I don't know for sure what my major will be in, but I sure do know what I want to be in the future - a man worthy of the Gospel. That's where the heart comes in. Your heart contains all the dreams and the desires of your life and when you let Christ into your heart, He becomes the dreams and the desires of your life and Christ commands us to make disciples and be the change that this dying world desperately needs. In other words, if Christ is the dreams and desires of your heart, then imitating Him by changing the world and making a difference almost certainly is as well.

What about making a difference every day? Well, to put this in the perspective of the heart, it is impossible to make a difference for the Kingdom of God unless it starts there, in your heart. Just wanting to make a difference makes all the difference in the world. I want to make a difference. Therefore, I am convinced that I will. I don't know what that difference I make will be. All I know is that it's there, waiting to be made, and God has called me to make it. And I can't make that difference unless I want to make it every single day and every single moment.

We do not start changing the world with choosing our major, whether it be ping pong or rocket science. We do not start making a difference when we graduate high school or turn 21. We start a making difference today. And the best place to start is your heart. So if you desire to really make a difference every day, make sure you really really really really really want to. Make change the obsession of your heart. I've never been a big fan of sitting around, living for the moment, celebrating the most pivotal events in history only on Christmas and Easter, and bickering about how twisted the world is without giving the time to actually do something about it. If I have said anything, I've said this: you can't change the world until you've changed your heart.

I'll let you go on this final note, if you go to any ministry or revival or church plant or anything that you know is changing the world today, and you go down into their history, I can 100% guarantee that the ministry started in the hearts of few and just spread like... something that spreads real quickly (the only thing I can think of are diseases and weeds). The hungry have been fed, the naked has been clothed, the needy have been given to, the broken have been mended, the imprisoned has been visited, the lost have been found, and the blind have seen, all because somebody's heart wanted it to happen. Every day, that passion for change needs to be implanted in your heart. It needs to be the definition of your dreams and desires. That is how you can start making a difference every day.

For now, I want to set a goal and cast a vision. I have no clue who you want to be, but I sure know what Christ wants you to be. This passage that I'm about to share with you is really close to my heart right now and it really gives me something to live for. Please, if this isn't your vision, make it your vision today and change the world!

But as God’s ministers, we commend ourselves in everything:
by great endurance, by afflictions, by hardship, by difficulties,
by beatings, by imprisonments, by riots, by labors,
by sleepless nights, by times of hunger, by purity, by knowledge,
by patience, by kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by sincere love,
by the message of truth, by the power of God;
through weapons of righteousnesson the right hand and the left,
through glory and dishonor, through slander and good report;
as deceivers yet true; as unknown yet recognized;
as dying and look—we live; as being disciplined yet not killed;
as grieving yet always rejoicing; as poor yet enriching many;
as having nothing yet possessing everything.
2 Corinthians 6:4-10

In Christ,

June 15, 2012

Rebuilding From the Ashes: Introduction

Our world is messed up. It really is. But Christ came to fix that. He also wants to use us. As He said in Matthew 28:19-20:

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”[1]

So are we making disciples of all nations? Or, if you're just a teenager, here's another question: are we even helping make disciples of our nation? Or are we doing the opposite?

Our World 

This blog is about living out Luke 10:27. We need to help by using our heart, soul, strength, and mind. Let's take a glimpse at the world we need to, by the grace of God, fix:

Love is a foreign language to us. There are kids out on the street starving while the fortunate are living in mansions eating giant feasts. We take too much while some have too little. We can help fix this problem by obeying Jesus' words recorded in Matthew 25:34-40 and John 15:12.

We are not loving Christ, or others, with our soul. One of our authors Langston describes loving the Lord with your soul in this way: 

"Well from my understanding, your soul is basically your core. It's you. It's your personality, how you view the world, your thoughts, etc.
It's not the same as your heart, which (again, from my understanding) is your passions, desires, goals and your emotions. That's just from what I know though.
I could have some details mixed up. :P But yeah.

Now the question is, how do you love Jesus with your soul?
Well, you first need a relationship with him. If he's a stranger to you it's going to be hard to love him in general. And its going to be especially difficult to love him with everyone you are.

The next thing is that you imitate Christ.
If you love someone with your soul, they are like a role model to you. And that's what Jesus should be. We all should want to be just like him.

We've fallen away from that. Christian means "of christ."
We should live in a way that people can tell we follow Jesus, or at least be able to tell that there's something different about us."[2] 

About the lack of strength: there are some Christians who are not really of Christ. They just go to church on Sunday and forget about Jesus for the other six days of the week. I was once one of them, but God changed, and is still changing, me. I mean no condemnation on these people. I just think we should let them know where life is really at and show them the awesomeness of our God. 

We live in a culture where atheism is growing. The faith of many Christians is being crushed by deceptive philosophies. The culture is displaying Christians as intolerant, hypocritical, and stupid. Since Christ commanded us to love Him with our mind, we must show that love not only to Him, but to others. 

The Series

I and the other Agape authors want address these problems of the world while giving advice to fix them. So, we are doing a new series called "Rebuilding From the Ashes." A godly society has been burned up, but we can rebuild it through the power and grace of God. We can make a change. Since this blog is mainly written to other teenagers, we can do that. For the Bible says this in 1Timothy 4:12-

Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe. [3]

Like I said above, the world is messed up. We must help fix it. God can use us to do that. 

So this series will go in this format- there will be four posts for each three topics. The topics are:

-Making a difference in everyday life
-Shaping the culture
-Being the perfect example of Christ

I will write from the perspective of mind, Paul from heart, Courtney from strength, and Lang from soul. 

I hope that you enjoy the series and that it inspires you to live life to the fullest by Christ. Please enjoy. 

[1] I copy and pasted this verse from http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+28%3A19-20&version=NASB
[2] I am quoting Langston from a post called "Soul? Love? How is this going to work?"
[3] I copy and pasted this verse from http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Timothy+4%3A12&version=NASB 

April 10, 2012

Happy Belated Easter

We forgot an Easter post... I promise we'll do something cooler next year. But for now, a big "Happy Belated Easter" to all the people on the planet! He has risen and he reigns!

Eater celebrates the most pivotal day in human history.

He is risen and He reigns!

Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. According to His great mercy, He has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead

April 6, 2012

Moving {Closer} to God

If you only talked to your best friend when something was wrong, would they really be your best friend? What if you only spoke to them when you needed something? Doesn't sound like a very personal relationship, does it? Well sadly, that's how must of us are with Jesus. We only talk to him when we need something from him.

There's a song that played once at the church I used to go to, and it went something like

"You say that you love me,
that you can't live without me,
but then why do you call me,
only when you need me."

You can't have an intimate relationship with someone if that's the only time you talk to them. We have to take that step to push ourselves, to spend time with God regularly. I struggle with that a lot, but God makes everything better. I find peace in him. He is Jehovah-Shalom, meaning "God is peace." (Judges 6:24 NLT) [The Hebrew word for this can be translated either as Jehovah-Shalom or Yahweh-Shalom. I chose Jehovah because I liked the sound better :P]

It's stupid how I stray away from him and try to do things my own way, just to end up crawling back to him days later. But that's how we are. We're corrupt and broken people, and we need God in our lives as much as possible.
And that's not going to happen if you only talk to him when something is wrong.

So I want to challenge you. Sometime this weekend, take some time just to hang out with Jesus. It can be through a devotional book, through reading the bible, lying down and listening to some good Christian music, anything that can get you closer to God. 

Because honestly, he doesn't need us. But we need him. 

So let's make the best of it.

Oh, and if you'd like to read more about the names of God, you can click here. It's where I got the information behind Jehovah/Yahweh-Shalom. :D

Closer by Sanctus Real. It goes great with this post :) Have a great day and God bless!!

March 31, 2012

The Jesus Games (How weird does this post title sound?)

You've probably heard of a movie, based on a book, called The Hunger Games which came out recently. If not, I'll sum the plot up: so every year in this future country, twelve kids are chosen from each area (called districts) to fight for their lives in something called the Hunger Games. They have to do this to pay for rebellion against the government (called the capitol).

So I saw this movie last Sunday and throughout the movie, I really saw Jesus in it. Many times I could relate a scene in the movie to what Christ did for us. Here's the first one: these children/teenagers had to fight to death due to a rebellion they had caused. We have to face the wages of sin which are death (Romans 3:23) because we have sinned, and rebelled against God. In the movie, only one person comes out alive. But in reality, none of us will survive the wages of sin. None of us.

The more main and prominent example is one that reflects Christ offering to take our punishment. So the contestants of the Hunger Games are chosen by a drawing. In the beginning of the movie, the drawing takes place. When her sister gets chosen to participate in this contest that could bring about her death, Katniss, the main character, steps up and volunteers to take her place. When we had to go face the punishment for our sin, Jesus said that He would pay our ransom.

So Katniss (who represents Jesus) goes off to fight. She's basically an underdog; kind of like Christ. I mean, when the Lord lived on earth He was homeless, broke, and an outcast. When Katniss is placed in the Hunger Games, she wins. The Hunger Games represents death. Katniss is like Jesus. So Jesus offered to be a substitute for us and He goes off to face death. Not only does He face death, but He beats it. He overcame Satan and the grave.

I was glad to see how a secular movie showed the gospel in disguise. I knew that these examples and metaphors would be an interesting subject to blog about (that's why I'm writing this post). And as you all know, this movie is extremely popular. So next time you think about or talk about the Hunger Games, be sure to associate God with it also.

March 28, 2012

If Jesus came back now..

Would he recognize you? Not as yourself, but would he recognize you as a his follower? Would it be clear to everyone who you belong to? Or if Jesus came back now, would it be a possibility that you would be left?

I think a common idea is that all we have to do to be a true Christian is accept Jesus, and we have a free ticket to heaven. We can live our lives the way we want, we just have to go to church every week or so. Well that's not so true. Matthew 7:21-24 shows the truth.

Here's the passage in case you're on the mobile site:

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock." (Matthew 7:21-24 ESV)

I don't know about you, but I really don't want to be one of those people. But how can we be sure of that?

Look at verse 21 (the first sentence), ".. but only the one who does the will of my Father.."

We have to do God's will, not our own. We can't stay on the path we were on.
Being a Christian is more than just acknowledging Jesus as Lord.
Because of God's love for you, when you truly become saved, you want to live for Jesus. You have a passion for doing God's will instead of your own. That's a big part of what a being a Christian means. You have to adjust your life to his plan. Not him adjusting to you. You can't serve yourself and serve God.

Matthew 16:24: Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me."

  • Deny yourself. You ignore what you want. You put Jesus first, putting aside your own dreams and goals. You hand them over to God, and instead, get something much better in return.

  • Take up your cross. You're bearing the weight of following Christ. It's not always a light load either. But it gives you purpose. It gives you hope. And it gives you life.

  • Follow me. It's pretty straight forward. You follow Jesus wherever he goes. He does not follow you to where you want to go. We have to be obedient, and trust his judgement. Jesus knows what he's doing.
If you are dedicated enough to follow Jesus as stated above, then that's being a true disciple. You aren't deciding what you want to do for God..you're following his plan, and allowing him to work through you.

And at the end of it all, either when you return back to dust, or when Jesus comes back, he wont just recognize you as yourself.

He will recognize you as his follower, his disciple, and his friend.

Have a great day and God bless!

March 21, 2012


What kind of legacy are you leaving behind?
How will people remember you when you're gone? What will they see?

Will they see the essence of Christ? Will they see just another one of the crowd?
Will they see light? Or will they see darkness.

Abel left a legacy. And he still speaks, even from the grave. (Hebrews 11:4)
We should be like that. Our life should shine so bright, that even when it ends, it still speaks.

Here on earth, we are ambassadors for Christ.
How can we do that if we live just like everyone else?
We are the LIGHT of the world. Stop trying to cover it up. You have already been chosen.
Your mission, if you choose to accept, is to show the world who Jesus really is.

We cannot to that if we don't love God. 
We need to love him everything--especially our souls, if we want to do this right.
When you idolize a role model, you want to be just like them. You imitate them. 
That's how it should be in our relationship with God. We should love him so much we want to be just like him, 
to be just like Jesus.

Through that is how we'll leave a legacy. Not by how much money we have, or the friends we made, not even solely on our actions. 
It's by who you were, and still are. 
It's by how you see the world. 
It's by your motives, by your thoughts, by how you interacted with others, by your dreams, by how you respond to situations, by your heart, and by your soul.

And in my eyes, all of that means nothing if its not reflecting Christ. 

Our sole purpose in life is to bring glory to God, because he deserves it! 
He created the Earth,  he created what we know as the laws of physics, he created you, me, your family, friends, he made love, happiness, joy,  he created life in general. And there's so much more. 
But we need to live for so much more than just ourselves. We need to live to show the world how great our God is.

That's a real legacy. Making your life a path that leads to Jesus. 
That's how you can be remembered. 
Maybe by following Christ, your life doesn't turn out how you planned it. 
Although I can't tell you the exact outcome, I can tell you that it will be a whole lot better than what you have planned. (1 Corinthians 2:9)

So remember, in this life we represent Jesus. And let's do it right,  
by leaving a true legacy.

Also, here's the song that inspired me to write this post. Legacy- by Sanctus Real. :D


What will they say when I'm gone,
In words that are written in stone?
Under my name, what will they claim about me?
Oh, I want to leave a legacy to be remembered
More than just a memory that fades away
Because we only, we only get one life
Free me, my hands are tied
I'm so tired of wasting time
These endless inventions
Steal my attention from real life
And when its done, when its over

Oh, I want to leave a legacy to be remembered
More than just a memory that fades away
Because we only, we only get one life

And will the world see Christ
When they look at my life?
Oh, will the world see?

Mmm, come on, give me, give me, give me real life
And no more, no more, no more wasting time
Because we only, we only get one life (Just one Life)

Oh, I want to leave a legacy to be remembered
More than just a memory that fades away
Because we only, (Get one shot, at this one life) We only (One moment in time)
Because we only, we only get one life

Have a great day and God bless you guys!

Excruciating Love


Some content in this post may be
inappropriate for younger

   /ɪkˈskruʃiËŒeɪtɪŋ/ [ik-skroo-shee-ey-ting]
1. extremely painful; causing intense suffering; unbearably distressing; torturing: an excruciating noise; excruciating pain.
2. exceedingly elaborate or intense; extreme: done with excruciating care.
(Courtesy of Dictionary.com)

Ever since March 13 (the day I created CTGA), I have been very active in online ministry. Lately, I have been discussing Christianity with atheists (this has been going on for about 2-3 months) on a social networking app specifically created for iDevices called Instagram. On Instagram, you simply share photos. Photographers use it to show off their work, I use it to be goofy and sometimes promote the Gospel, and some use it to insult the reality of Jesus. I, like the crazy person I am, target these sites and share the love of Christ while answering their questions. A few days ago I ran into a picture that had on it a quote by an unknown author and it went as follows:

"Jesus hardly made the greatest sacrifice. He knew He would be resurrected anyway,"

I confess, I was actually moved and it made me thinking, and for once in my life, I agreed... for about two seconds. My mind went back to some of the sermons I've heard about the Crucifixion and to some quotes in books, that I've started (but never finished -.-) and it got me thinking "How great was the sacrifice?" I knew the cross had to hurt, but I didn't exactly know how much until one day I stole a book from my dad's office called "The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel. I was just skimming through the book aimlessly until I ran over a chapter called "Was Jesus' Death a Sham and His Resurrection a Hoax?" I wasn't really pursuing this question but I just thought I'd read the chapter anyway. I read very gruesome details about the cross and how Jesus DEFINITELY died. Today, I want to share with you some of that stuff and how great the sacrifice really was.

Let's start in Gethsemane when Jesus prayed in the garden shortly before His arrest. According to Matthew 26:38, Jesus was depressed- extremely depressed, so depressed it was to the point of dying. He knew what was going to happen the next day. Let me explain some stuff about his depression. Luke 22:44 records that Jesus started to do something quite peculiar in the garden; something we would say is silly. He sweated blood. Many skeptics think that this passage is ludicrous and say it's just imaginary. Well, it turns out that this is an actual medical condition called hematidrosis. It's very rare, and is caused by a high level of psychological stress. If you want more details on it, you may Google it. But there was something else this episode of hematidrosis did, it made the skin fragile and extremely sensitive, keep that in mind.

After Jesus was finally arrested and brought before Pilate, he was whipped. This wasn't no ordinary whipping either; they used this little guy called the Roman whip. This little whip had a few metal balls and a couple bones. The metal balls would take care of making bruises and contusions eventually opening them, and the bones would do the shredding and cuts that would commonly expose the spine. Remember how the skin was extremely fragile and sensitive due to the hematidrosis. The Romans were very brutal, and mercy was a foreign language for them. Often, the Roman soldier would do more than 39 lashes; if he lashed too many times, the victim would surely die. 39 lashes wasn't the limit, it was just the required minimum, and the soldier doing the flogging could lash the victim until he got bored. At the end of 39 lashes, the victim’s bowels would be hanging out from the back and he would lose a ton of blood! History claims that there were very many people who died of the lashing before they were hung on the cross. The least that the flogging would do is put the victim though this thing called hypovolemic shock. What that is, is when you lose a ton of blood and your heart does funky things to pump blood that isn’t there, it causes lightheadedness and thirst. Remember that. Let's just say this; it was exceedingly laborious to walk with a cross on your back, colon hanging out, spine exposed, and a stinging discomfort. He passed out (remember the hypovolemic shock?) and the Romans forced a random stranger named Simon to carry his cross. And now, the real suffering begins.

I introduced you to the word excruciating earlier and now I want to tell you were the word comes from: there was no word in the Greek language that could describe the pain on the cross. They had to create a new word literally meaning out of the cross. Think about that for second. They had made up a word to describe the pain of cross. It was beyond painful, it was beyond torturing, it was excruciating.

Let’s talk about the nails. Many skeptics think that Jesus couldn't have been nailed because most historical art and stories say that the crucified victim was held on the cross by ropes. Archaeology has disproven that. In 1968 archaeologists in Jerusalem found around 30 Jews who died around A.D. 70 one of them was still on a cross and, lo and behold, nails were found in his feet. Now, about the nails, where were they in Jesus' hands? Most believe it was the palms, but due to his weight the nails would rip his hand and he would have fallen off the cross. The nails were most definitely driven into his wrists where there was a little nerve there called the median nerve. The nail would have crushed that nerve. This is where it gets painful; the nerve is the same kind of nerve that we know as the funny bone. So, imagine you have a pair of pliers and you decide to squeeze the funny bone until it crushes. That's what Jesus would've felt in both hands and both feet. Ouch x4. Using simple mathematical equations, we can also determine that Jesus' arms were stretched and that both his arms were dislocated. Hanging there, in order to breathe he would have to lift himself up with his nail driven feet, tearing his foot and scraping his open back against the splintery wood of the cross. Eventually, he would become exhausted and just stop breathing and die, or it could've been by the slow and painful death of asphyxiation. The exact cause is unknown.

Physical pain must have been monolithic, but even worse, the spiritual pain. Jesus hated sin. God’s entire wrath towards sin was poured out on to Christ. Think of your least favorite food, think about spending six hours having that food shoved in your mouth being forced to swallow, and when you got full, it wouldn't stop. The pain and the disgust would be tremendously high. I believe this is similar to what happened to Jesus' spirit on the cross. He carried our lust, our pride, our envy, our idolatry, our lies, our stupidity on a rugged cross!

Now, let’s think about God the Father in this situation. One of the most emotional moments I have had concerning God's sacrifice was one night when my dad (who is a pastor) guest preached at another church. In that sermon, my dad mentioned God's sacrifice and he said this (not exact quote), "If I loved a people who insulted me and I wanted them to know me, I would've sacrificed myself to die, but I would never send my only son". I am his only son, and from my perspective, if my dad asked me to die for people who hated his guts, I would have ran away from home thinking my father had gone crazy. It's absolutely impossible to comprehend, but it was necessary for mankind. But get this, He doesn't need us. He didn't have to do all that stuff at all. But He did. Why on earth He would want to, I really have absolutely no clue. J. I. Packer puts it well:

There is, however, equally great incentive to worship and love God in the thought that, for some unfathomable reason, he wants me as his friend, and desires to be my friend, and has given his Son to die for me in order to realize this purpose. (Knowing God p.42)
We can have unconditional love, but will we go to the point of excruciating love? Why would Jesus go through all that physical and spiritual pain just to make friends with his worst enemies? God is one of the craziest Beings the world will ever know, but I'm very glad I know Him. Let's worship!

May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.
Galatians 6:14 NIV

In Christ,

March 19, 2012

The Gospel in 578 Words

What if I came up to you one day and asked  how you were doing with your relationship with God? What if I asked you how hard you were trying? What would your answer be? I hope you don't say you're trying. Why? Because if you are, you've already failed.

In John 5:39-40 Jesus tells the pharisees that they search the scriptures, for they think they will find life in them. But that is not the case. Life is in Jesus. Now let's take a look at these religious men of the day. They would do their best to follow the Law of God because they were deceived and believed that they could get right with God by their own works. That is a thing called religion.

The pharisees were deceitful and mistaken about the true gospel, and so is a lot of our world today. They did not understand that God didn't give the Law so that we could obey it; because we can't. The Law's purpose is that we fail. No one can honestly say that they haven't ever lied, stole, lusted, taken the Name of the Lord in vain and coveted. No one. Not even these "righteous" hardcore religious people.

We are all guilty of breaking the perfect, holy, and just Law of God (Romans 3:23). How then, do we seek and know Him? There is only one way: Jesus Christ (John 14:6). God loves you and me SO much that He gave up everything so that you could be in His family: His only beloved, begotten Son (John 3:16).

We seem to always be underestimating God's standards and thinking we can be made right with Him by our works. If you go to church every Sunday of your life, feed every poor person there is, and never cuss- but don't have Jesus- you still aren't reconciled with the Lord. There is nothing you can do to save yourself (Ephesians 2:8) and there is no way possible to earn grace through works of the Law (Romans 11:6)

If you have seen the viral video Why I Hate Religion but Love Jesus by Jeff Bethke, you will recognize when I quote some lyrics from this awesome poem-

Religion says do, Jesus says done

Religion says slave, Jesus says son

Religion puts you in bondage while Jesus sets you free

Religion makes you blind, but Jesus makes you see.

There is no prayer, no ritual, no practice, no pilgrimage, no life dedicated to an idol, and no good work that can get you into Heaven. Jesus did it all on the cross. Salvation can't be earned; only received. When Jesus was dying for you, He said "It is finished"(John 19:30). That means He did it all. Religion tells us to  be obedient so we can earn God's love, but the truth is that we are called to be obedient because the love of Jesus makes us want to be. Religion says that God will love us when we do something for Him, but Jesus tells us that we are loved now (Romans 5:8).

Remember that 1John 4:19 says that "We love Him because He first loved us", not "He loves us because we first loved Him". Redemption, bought by Jesus Christ, is a free gift. All you have to do is accept His gift that has no cost. Call upon His name and be saved (Romans 10:9). You are an imperfect person loved by a perfect God.

March 16, 2012

Jesus isn't an excuse. He's hope.

We can't use Jesus to justify our sin. You may say "I'm not Jesus. I'm going to sin, I can't help it."

That's entirely true. We aren't Jesus and can't help sinning. Still though, that doesn't give us an excuse to sin. We were once slaves to sin, with no hope of getting better. (John 8:34)
But Jesus set us free from this, and through him we can find the power to fight off our sin and live for God. (Romans 6:6-7, Romans 6:12, Romans 6:14)

But wait. If we're all set free, how come we fail so often?

".. The spirit is willing but the body is weak." (Matthew 26:41)

We all know how to stop our sin, but we choose no to.
We know this sin is empty, but we continue to chase it anyway.
We're so attached to our sin that we don't wanna let it go. We don't want to give it to God, because we know he'll get rid of it. We still cling to it, even after repenting and trying to start fresh. We are addicts of our sin.

Through that is how Satan chains and binds us. While we're too busy trying to please ourselves, he comes in, and feeds us more and more. But it will never be enough. It will never satisfy.
But we keep chasing it to the grave, wasting our entire lives, thwarting the plans God has for us, and giving nothing to the God who gave everything for us.

Is that how we should live? That's exactly what Christ came to set us FREE from. But we still allow ourselves to fall back into it.

2 Peter 2:20-21 says "If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and are overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning. [21] It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them." (NIV)

Harsh words..but they're true words. And we should be thankful to have a God that loves us enough to be completely honest, and not hold anything back.

But yes, we need change. We can't let Satan work us like puppets, with his twisted fingers all up inside us. Jesus isn't an excuse for our sin, he is the way out.

This is where your soul comes in (along with your mind, heart, and strength, but I'm focusing on the soul). We need to get our souls lined up with God.

We need to follow his lead instead of making our own path. God knows what's best. If he says something is bad, it's for a good reason.
We can't see ahead like he can, and we don't have the wisdom to always know what's going to help or hurt us. So sometimes we just need to trust God, and do what he says.

So no, Jesus doesn't give us an excuse to sin. He gives us hope to overcome it.
All authority has been given to Jesus,(Matthew 28:18) and there's nothing that he cannot do.(Matthew 19:26) 
We just have to acknowledge that we are in the wrong, and trust in him to bring us into the light.  :)

Have a great day and God bless!!

Thy Kingdom Come, My Kingdom Go

I'm sure every Christian (and most non-Christians, for that matter) are familiar with the Model Prayer found in Matthew 6:9-13. A lot of people say it on a regular day basis, for example: me. When I was 9 or 10 years old, I'd start all my prayers with the Model Prayer just because I could, then I'd say thank you for this and thank you for that and I pray for this and I pray for that and then say "Amen", then I'd forget to pray for my cat and dogs so I went back into a 5 second long prayer: "It's me again, thank you for Sassy, General, and Trooper. Amen!"

My prayers have changed since then, but I never forget to model my prayers around the Model Prayer. Recently I read a quote in a study Bible that really inspired me:

"Before we can pray 'Thy Kingdom come,' we must be willing to pray 'my kingdom go'"
-Alan Redpath

When I was young, I prayed to God that His Kingdom would come every night but I never really reached a full state of humility until just about last year or so. I just want to point out that this quote can be interpreted as a quote about humility, but I think it is about prayer (I wouldn't really know, though, because I don't know the context of this quote).

One day, I read somewhere about how God doesn't listen to your prayers unless you ask for forgiveness first. I thought that the statement was kinda strange though, and I really wasn't quite sure whether or not to agree with it due to the lack of Scripture reference supporting this statement. So I decided to, instead of asking my dad or another Biblically educated adult, to investigate it myself. I went straight to the Model prayer.

As I looked at this prayer and compared it to other prayers in the Bible, I noticed how most of them have a specific order. There were three things that this prayer and others did in the same order and they are as follows:

1. Acknowledge God's glory
2. Ask for forgiveness
3. Give God your burdens and requests

I want to first talk about acknowledging God's glory. Matthew 6:9, Nehemiah 1:5, Jonah 2:2-6, and Psalm 115:1 are good examples of this. We are not trying to remind God of His awesomeness, but we are trying to remind OURSELVES of His awesomeness. Shortly after I had studied about prayer, my family and I visited a church and in Sunday School, the Sunday School teacher asked that the students (including me) would take turns opening the class in prayer. I was sitting on the end and I was the last one to pray. As the other guys prayed for forgiveness and asked special requests, I noticed that very little was said about God's glory. So when it came around my turn, I simply praised God for his glory and His ultimate power. When I was done, everyone was just looking at me saying, "That was really good!" I don't mean to brag about it or anything, but I just want to throw that out there to say that we constantly need to be reminded of God's glory and of His power.

Next, I want to focus on asking for forgiveness (Matthew 6:12, 1 Kings 8:30, Psalms 25:11). Forgiveness is very necessary. Not only is it to gain forgiveness for your sins, but it's also, I think, to remind you of your place. It should remind you that you are evil, and only God is good and powerful enough to forgive you of your evilness. These first two stages, if you will, of prayer gives us the humility to understand that God, and God alone is great and is listening. I believe it is foolish to pray to God with a prideful heart and jump straight to your wish list without giving God any credit for who He is.

And, for the last part, give your burdens to God. Give your troubles to God in complete humility, and be content with what God gives you. Prayer is a weapon for peace, it is a great ally of the Christian faith, it is our connection between God and man. Prayer is a privilege and a great honor accessible only to God's image-bearers! Use it wisely!

In Christ,

March 14, 2012

Dr. Seuss

Ok, so you saw the title of this post and are probably thinking "Dr. Seuss? What on earth does that have to do with agape?" However, it does. Last night my step-dad David, my step-sister Stephanie, and I all went to go see the movie The Lorax. At the end of the movie, just before the credits they quoted the movie and book and it said: "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, it's never going to get better, no, it's not." And that got me thinking...

 I'm sure that you've heard about the whole Kony 2012 thing that's being spread everywhere. (I've been spammed on all of my social networks besides blogger for the past week or so) Obviously the person who started that cares a lot about this, which brings me back to my Dr. Seuss quote. That one guy who started Kony 2012 cared so much about it, that he's spreading it everywhere. Look at how quickly it went viral. It already has over 78 million views on YouTube. That's A LOT of views!

 Now what if Christianity was spread like that? What do you think would happen if one morning you woke up and all you saw on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc, was "Jesus Loves You!" Or maybe, "Christ loves you so much that he died for you!" Just anything spreading the gospel. I would be amazed. I would be very happy, and also amazed! Imagine just how many people that would reach.
 If one person had say, 100 followers on Instagram, and that person posted a pic that had to do with the gospel, and all 100 followers saw it. Now let's say 10 of those followers who also have 100 followers each re-posted that same picture and all of their followers saw it. Do you realize how many people that impacts alone? Over 1 THOUSAND people! That's insane!

 Now that's amazing. I want to do that one day. I would love to be able to tell thousands of people about Jesus, whether it be in person, over the phone, or on the internet. I'd love to see someone be impacted by my own words, not for myself, but for God. He is the one I care about, and I care about him "a whole awful lot!" I want this world to get better, and to become Christians, but I can't do this alone. I need other Christians, to come together, and to spread the gospel.

 So today, I encourage you to tell someone about Jesus. Pray with someone, tell them about how God loves them. You never know just who you might impact, and remember:

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, it's never going to get better, no it's not. 
~Dr. Seuss

In Christ,

Ephesians 3:20 NLT

Lemons > Lemonade

Imagine you are walking into my house and you find a lemon and a glass of lemonade on my table. Which one would you choose? We all know that lemons are sour but lemonade is sweet. In this post, I will be writing about how lemons are better than lemonade. I know that sounds crazy, but let me explain.

The use of the word lemons here is a metaphor for trials, tribulations, hardships, difficulties, hurt and all that good-bad stuff. Now we know that lemons are really sour and taste awful, so why would that be better than lemonade? Lemons are healthier than lemonade so that's one advantage. Lemons are good for you, but lemonade is not.

To our foolish eyes, lemons are not good things, but let me tell you about my experience with them. About one year ago, I dated this girl whom I literally idolized. I remember March 5th, 2011, when she broke up with me. I cannot describe the kind of pain I felt. I cried for two hours and I wanted to die. But when struggling with that trial, I realized how broken I was. It was that experience that pulled me closer to God. I dedicated all that I am to the Lord and He took away that feeling of depression. If I had never went through that pain, I wouldn't feel the immense joy that I'm living in today.

Another lemon happened to me when I was on one of those ripstick things (google them if you don't know what they are) and I was going around the neighborhood with my friend Kenny. I got a call from my dad and he told me to come back to my two million dollar house. When I got there, I proceeded in sitting at our table with my other family members. There, my dad announced that he lost his job. At first I wasn't that shocked, but then it got really bad. We had to give up our high life where we could buy anything we wanted. I also had to move away from my awesome neighborhood that contained my really good friends. My family went from being rich to us barely being able to pay rent, and we might have to move into an apartment soon. But to tell the truth, I'm glad my dad lost his job and that I went through this lemon. Now I am more humble than I was, and that's the good that God could bring about through this situation.

I'm going to discuss one last lemon. I'm not really popular at my school. I have about five to ten people who will actually talk to me in a long conversation and show kindness to me. And even those people aren't always very good friends. I know many people are attracted to the idea of being popular, but I'm not. Why? Because I'm able to realized who my true friends are (the people who write this blog with me would be some of them). I know this really isn't a big deal, but sometimes I can hurt. But when it does, I can realize that God is using the pain to bring about His greater glory.

Now let's talk about lemonade. What is lemonade, in this metaphoric sense? Lemonade is any earthly pleasures, such as sex, drugs, partying, and money. But the problem with lemonade is that it's unhealthy for you. It's made with all this sugar that is really bad for us. However, we're attracted to lemonade because of its taste. At first we don't realize that the outcome of it will make us wish we had never given into it.

I remember that I used to bully people by things such as prank texting or prank calling. This is when you lie about who you are when calling or texting someone just for a laugh. I did this because I thought it was funny, but it did hurt people. I remember several instances when it got others really upset. It seemed fun at first, but then it made you feel awful. That's what lemonade does.

Another form of lemonade is lust. Like many guys, I struggle with this too. It seems really appealing at first, but then it fades away. Lust looks to you as if it's going to satisfy you, but it actually isn't worth it. At the moment you realize that you've treated a girl like an object and not the person who was made in God's image, you feel guilt because as a Christian, we know we shouldn't be doing that. The only thing lemonade does is destroy.

For those struggling with lemons, there is hope. Read Romans 5:1-5 and James 1:2-4 to see how good things can come from bad things. A verse that really helped me out was John 16:33 because it assured me that I could overcome the hardship in my life, because Jesus had overcome the world. Remember that Jesus promised that He would be with us always, even in times of trail.

Lemons are better than lemonade because they bring about a greater joy. All lemonade does is destroy you because it is unhealthy. I hope I have demonstrated this well. The outcome of lemons, which is something good, is far, far better than the guilt caused by lemonade. I'd rather stick with a love that lasts forever than a pleasure that lasts for five minutes.

March 9, 2012

Psalm 139

Okay, we're going to start this up now. 

So anyway, people seem to think God doesn't care about the little things, or their day to day lives. They think God only cares about "godly activities" such as going to Sunday school or giving your tithes. Now don't get me wrong, those are things we need to do, and God cares about that. But he also cares about you as an individual.
In reality, we don't know ourselves as well as we think we do. We end up surprising ourselves daily. But, we never surprise God. He's that friend that knows you better than you know yourself. 
During my youth group on Wednesday, we read Psalms 139, which is what I based this whole post around.
So read it below, and really think about how this applies to you, and how much God cares and knows about you.



Psalm 139

New International Version (NIV)

For the director of music. Of David. A psalm.

 1 You have searched me, LORD,
   and you know me.
2 You know when I sit and when I rise;
   you perceive my thoughts from afar.
3 You discern my going out and my lying down;
   you are familiar with all my ways.
4 Before a word is on my tongue
   you, LORD, know it completely.
5 You hem me in behind and before,
   and you lay your hand upon me.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
   too lofty for me to attain.
 7 Where can I go from your Spirit?
   Where can I flee from your presence?
8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
   if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
   if I settle on the far side of the sea,
10 even there your hand will guide me,
   your right hand will hold me fast.
11 If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me
   and the light become night around me,”
12 even the darkness will not be dark to you;
   the night will shine like the day,
   for darkness is as light to you.
 13 For you created my inmost being;
   you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
   your works are wonderful,
   I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
   when I was made in the secret place,
   when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
   all the days ordained for me were written in your book
   before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts,[a] God!
   How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them,
   they would outnumber the grains of sand—
   when I awake, I am still with you.
 19 If only you, God, would slay the wicked!
   Away from me, you who are bloodthirsty!
20 They speak of you with evil intent;
   your adversaries misuse your name.
21 Do I not hate those who hate you, LORD,
   and abhor those who are in rebellion against you?
22 I have nothing but hatred for them;
   I count them my enemies.
23 Search me, God, and know my heart;
   test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
   and lead me in the way everlasting.

God is God. He knows everything about you. He knows what you love, what you hate. You he CREATED you, so he definitely knows you without a doubt. He also loved you enough to die for you. 
John 15:13 says "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." (NIV) 
If he loves you that much, don't you think he would care about your day to day life? It makes a lot more sense.

So today, just remember that God 
loves you,  
cares about you
and knows everything about you, because he created you
There isn't anything you have to hide. He knows. And he loves you anyway.

God bless and have a great day! :D

For God so Loved the World; Not Just the Whites

There are different colored cows. Brown cows, white cows, pink cows (in Farmville, at least). And there are many different, but beautiful, skin colors that are caused mainly by the sun, which has some sort of effect on it. But regardless of what color skin we are, we are all equal. The Bible tells us so in 1Corinthians 12:13. Whether we are Jew or Gentile, or in this case, black, white, Hispanic, oriental etc., we are all in the same Spirit.

There is an overwhelming amount of hate and racism in our culture. I have heard many jokes that show disgust to other kinds of people, such as "Why are black people good at basketball? Because their knee grows," or, "How do you find the population of Mexico? Throw a penny down the street and watch how many people chase after it." I have also heard comments saying that Asians don't have souls. Now let me go over how stupid this is. I honestly don't see what's wrong about Africans being good at basketball; that's an excellent thing. Asians were made in God's image also. And stereotyping Hispanics by making fun of their poverty is exactly the same thing as making fun of whites being poor.

Like 1Corinthians 12:13 states, we are all one in Christ. God commands us to love others. In John 14:15, Jesus tells us that if we love Him, we will keep His commands. In John 15:12 and 1John 4:19, we are called to love others as Jesus loves us. We are supposed to show compassion for every single person, including those of other "races". That is an important part of what it means to be a Christian.

Followers of Christ must love others unconditionally. Whether someone is German, Italian, Brazilian, Russian, Korean, or African; love them like Jesus. We are all humans, regardless of race, nationality, or skin color. The color of our skin does not make us superior to anyone else. If we were to say it did, that would be just like saying a red box is supreme to a blue box; that statement is ridiculous because they're both boxes. The same thing applies to the "races". There is only one race-the human race.

John 3:16 says that God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son. Notice the use of the word world. God so loved the world, not God so loved the whites or God so loved the Australians or God so loved the Indians or God so loved the blacks. God so loved us, the world. In His eyes, skin color has no meaning, other than the fact that we are all created by Him which makes our skin color good; we are all His beloved children. Don't forget the name of this blog: agape. Agape is loving someone with no strings attached. And yes, that also includes those of different skin colors. Remember what I said earlier: there is only one race-the human race.


March 6, 2012

The Amazing Bubble Kingdom

I like bubbles. Nuff said. Bubbles are ineffably awesome. And today, I want to take you to the amazing bubble kingdom!

As a matter of fact, you're already in the amazing bubble kingdom. You may know it as planet Earth, but I see it as the amazing bubble kingdom! Let me explain: The amazing bubble kingdom is the world we live in where we center our lives around what fits inside our "bubble". Our "bubble" is our comfort zone. That special place where you are, where no one can touch, and where you greatly desire to stay. So, since there are 7 billion people in this world, the amazing bubble kingdom consists of 7 billion bubbles. Sometimes bubbles attach to other bubbles, some bubbles are larger than other bubbles, and some bubbles are of higher altitudes than others. But nevertheless, they're all bubbles. Inside our bubbles are things such as friends and hobbies and idols and all that other fun happy stuff that make us comfortable. We like our bubbles… we like them a lot. But there's something wrong with our bubbles. I guess you can say that our bubbles are bad bubbles and that the only cure for those bubbles is for them to be popped.

God doesn't like bubbles. He wants us to get rid of them (Colossians 3:5, Exodus 20:3). Sorry. Why are bubbles bad for you? Easy, bubbles keep you away from following God, instead your just aimlessly floating around bumping into other bubbles and having a grand total of zero influence on the amazing bubble kingdom.

What happens when our bubbles are popped? Easy, we follow God and help others pop their bubbles. God is too great to fit in our bubble, if you want to put God in there, you either have to put the idea of God in there to dwell in a very small corner of your bubble, or pop your bubble and give everything to God and be free from your aimless floating. That's why Jesus came (Luke 19:10). Who are you to say 'no'?

So, I'm done speaking in metaphors for today and I just wanna cut to the chase. If you put God in your life, you will be free from all your distractions and idols and all that other gook that has ruined many lives. Get rid of your comfort zone, take off your old man clothes, pop your bubble, and follow Christ to wherever He takes you. Follow your Lord, not your bubble. Ditch the world and uplift Christ!

In Christ,

March 2, 2012

Never Too Young: A Poem Written By Matthew

Hey, it's Matthew here. I want to show you a poem I wrote about how you're never too young to be an example of the Lord to others. It's based on 1Timothy 4:12 and it's called "Never Too Young". I hope you like it :)

Now let me talk about a common myth in our culture today
Let me break it down to prove that it's absurd
Because many teens think they can't be an example
They think that their voice cannot be heard

They've bought the lie that they can't make a difference
So they just float around through life in the adolescent years
Thinking "I'm not old enough to make a change
I'm too you to have any kind of career"

But the Bible condemns this thought as a lie
First Timothy four twelve says it's not true
My fellow teenagers can make a difference
A major change in the world can be caused by you

Let's take a look at the verse I mentioned
It says, "Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity."
So I'm asking you to be an example to the world
Regardless of age or maturity

I wanna show you how to make a difference
I wanna show you how to make a change
Because it's quite simple to be an example
Very simple and an awesome exchange

I wanna take a moment to examine the verse
I wanna make this truth heard
Because the Bible instructs the youth to be an example
In many ways, especially in word

You see, Ephesians four twenty-nine says not to use rude or abusive language
And I think we all know what this means
Let me ask you something: does cussing, in any way, ever glorify God?
Does swearing ever make your heart anymore clean?

The answer is "no" to both of those questions
But first let me show you something:
How the words that come out of our mouth can give glory to the Lord
They can be an example that points to the King

Now if you're a young person using your tongue for evil
I wanna ask you to stop, because that example could be leading others away from Christ
Might get someone thinking about you: "Man, if that's Christianity I want nothing to do with it"
So be a good example, especially with your mouth, and let all words be nice

The Timothy verse also instructs to be an example to other believers
You could inspire them to move in their mission
So stay away from swearing, gossip, and hateful words
Instead, be an example to other Christians

Another important way to be an example is in conduct
And what that means is how you act
Let the Lord's grace guide you in a behavior similar to His
Because this could show a model of Christ, which the world needs, so just know that

So don't go conforming to the ways of this world
Be the salt and light and the city on the hill
Don't hide yourself; be holy in a place of unholiness
In every thing you do, including conduct, let it be done for God's Will

Another vital key to the example formula would be this:
Showing who God is to the world by love
Let the love unconditional, let it be crazy and insane
Let this power lead others to realize that God is enough

You see, I have some friends who aren't Christians
And probably don't wanna hear me preach
So instead of doing that, I show unconditional love
To this dying world, compassion is the best way to reach

And if we show lovingkindness to other believers
That might inspire them to grow into a deeper relationship with God
So teenage Christians, be fishers of men
And let love work as your rod

Like Francis of Assisi once said
"Preach the gospel at all times, and if necessary use words"
Because love is the loudest sound
Show the example of Christ and let who you are in Him be heard

Now let's cover what it means to be an example in spirit
And how to be on fire for the Lord
Because if show Him through your actions to the world
He's so great that they'll be coming back for more

So let's be an example in spirit
And let God work through us
Teens, you're not useless
Let your life be a reflection of the light of Jesus

Youth, be an example in faith
And show the world how tall you stand
Because your trust is in God Almighty
And you know that He'll deliver you with His Hand

And if we live this extraordinary faith
The world can see and know our Shepherd
That He satisfies us
And this might inspire them to trust in His word

Now let's talk about purity
And how we can make difference
Because, teens, if we're conforming to this world
Are we really showing that we're true Christians?

So stand up for the Lord
If someone tries to pressure you into sex or drugs
Just shine the light of Christ and don't give in
Be an example by being a Jesus freak and not a thug

Always be pure of heart
Even something like, which seems small, can cause a great impact
You are never too young for the Lord to use you
That's the truth, and don't forget that

God can use you, even through the tiniest measure
Like through your words, your conduct, your faith, and in spirit
Don't forget to always remain pure to be an example
And your love can proclaim the gospel to even those who don't want to hear it

So don't let anyone look down on you because of your age
Model to them who Christ is
Even though you are young, you don't have to wait
Go be an example so you can show that you are His