February 28, 2012

Intro: Paul

Hey guys! This is Paul, a 14 year old guy who is crazy for Jesus! I write the blog Christaholic: The God Addiction. The blog's mission is to magnify God above our addictions and to line all our dreams and desires according to His glory. In other words, it talks about loving Christ with all of your heart.

This blog is run by me and my three really awesome friends, Matthew, Langston, and Courtney. each of us absolutely love the Lord and we mutually decided to compose a blog of awesomeness that compiles all of our interests. I am the designer of the blog and logo maker and all that other fun happy stuff, while the rest of the gang just write the posts necessary to keep it running.

Our theme verse, if you will, is Luke 10:27: "He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” (NIV). Ironically, this verse was recited by an expert of the Law trying to test Jesus. This verse eventually leads to the well-known, yet often ignored, parable of the Good Samaritan.

What do I mean by "often ignored"? We all know about it; yet, unfortunately, we don't bother acting it out. We name hospitals and ministries after it, yet we forget that we all must love every human that breathes. The leading cause of atheism is Christians proclaiming that they love Christ but they deny it with their actions.

I am a witness of this. When I was 1, my dad surrendered to the ministry and ever since then I've encountered several moves and several hedonistic theists (people who believe in God for pleasure instead of life). The ironic thing is that I was like that too. I followed the religious crowd and went through the motions because that was all I really knew. I knew that there were hurting people, but I ignored them and played Mario instead of pursuing Christ.

A couple years ago, My family and I moved to a small town in eastern North Carolina. I spent the best two years of my life there because I saw God's "blessings" through my works instead of my faith. All that changed in October of 2010. People that I loved and trusted suddenly turned their back on us for the sake of tradition which resulted in my dad losing his job, and us losing our house. My whole family was hurt. That was when God got me on my knees and demonstrated His real purpose for me.

My idol (the Wii) broke one day. I told my parents and the closest place that professionally fixed Wiis for a reasonable price was two hours away. A few days afterwards, we went to get it fixed. They promised that it would be fixed in around a week. While they were fixing it they realized that they needed parts from Japan just before the tragic earthquake/tsunami hit. One of the aftershocks hit the factory that had the parts. The repair was delayed for 3 months. God took my idol away and I had nowhere to go but to the Lord of Hosts. He freed me from addictions. That is why I'm writing and not playing video games.

My dad also took a ginormous role in my spiritual renewal by making sure that I did not fall. He constantly helped me when I was angry or devastated, and demonstrated that there is no such thing as a perfect church and helped point my way to Christ.

My life demonstrated to me, and will hopefully demonstrate to you, that God does not want our works if they are purely for happiness instead of His glory. He also warned me that Christianity is slowly falling in a ditch of ignorance. I pray that you will not ignore God's presence in your life. I pray also that we love people because we love God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind, God bless!

In Christ,

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Hey! Here at 'AGAPE' we seek to minister to whoever we can and any comments would be a blessing and an encouragement! Thanks! -Paul